A drawing on toned paper with ink. A man rides on the back of a mech-like construction. It is made out of wood and has pistons and controls. It is vaguely humandois shape and is approximately 20 feet tall.

Gorilla Soul Armor

Soul Armor is an automaton that is powered by the soul of another creature. They are built in the Green Forge. The embued soul stone is stored in the pilots seat. If the stone is damaged or removed, the soul armor is diabled. Gorilla Soul ArmorLarge automaton, neutral neutral Armor Class 17 Natural ArmorHit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)Speed 10 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) Damage Vulnerabilities Fire ActionsFists: +5 to attack, reach 15 ft, one target.Damage:…
A warrior holding a halberd. He has a cape, and stands ready in an abstract white snowy environment. He has a top knot and elf ears.

Shadow Covenant Warlock

The warlocks of the Shadow Covenant follow Malachi Darkthorn. They inhabit the Warlock’s Tower, and are studying the secrets and powers that the Darkthorn promises. The initiates are beginning their training, and have not been inducted into the deeper secrets of the tower. Their training include working with blades that are not typical of the magical types. Perhaps this has something to do with the higher levels of training in their order. Warlock InitiateMedium Humanoid, Neutral…