Abandoned Ruins at Lark Bastion

A suit of armor surrounded by purple light glowing around it.

After traveling through the Lark Bastion mine, the players find large abandoned ruins hidden in the earth connected via a mine shaft. The room is made from stone blocks, and the ceiling rises 30 feet into the air. In the center of the room is a set of armor, with a faint purple glow in the middle. There is a purple soulstone with something glowing within. It can be seen inside the armor. Skeletons of fallen warriors litter the floor.

There are ornamental weapons on the walls, including swords, spears, and shields.


I am beaten and bitten again and again
By iron, wood, magic never lead or tin
I often am the first into battle
But when not needed, sit in the saddle
Each time I wait for something worse
Never has a doctor fixed my wearied curse
The sword slashes hit and grow larger day by day
Yet the burden is light on the arm that it does weigh

Answer: Shields - There is a shield on the back with another riddle written on it. The shield needs to be placed on the statue.

A curious thing dangles between the thighs
When taken in hand, pulled and let rise
So stiff and hard, it has but one eye
Yields a reward that will make one sigh
Pull the clothes slowly above the knee
And poke the head of his hanging thing
The familiar hole it fits so well
And many a time, hath filled with its spell

Answer: Key hidden in a statue. When used to unlock the lock on the statue, the doors to the lock open, revealing a final riddle.

Hidden ‘neath white marble walls
Veins of colors and cavernous halls
Half the world feels the pains
Half the moon waxes and wanes
Now is the time to cut and flow
It should be placed at your feet below

Answer: Blood let loose on the ground. This kicks off the summoning of a demon through the the soulstone. The demon inhabits the armor, and his soul is contained in the soulstone, powering the armor. The ritual starts with the notes below.

DM monologue for after solving the riddles

There should be a single magical player character, ideally a warlock, who is forced to cast a ritual spell

(This was written as the start of an evening where the players were picking off from the previous evening.)

Deep inside an abandoned mine in Lark Bastion, you all find yourselves spread apart in a large room forming a piece of some forgotten abandoned ruins. In the middle of the room is the set of fine armor. Purple mist and light circle around the armor, leaking from a cracked soulstone. You solved the riddles, and unlocked the mystery, but to what end? The mist and light continue to circle, and ash floats ethereally through the thick air.

You all find yourself frozen, physically unable to move. The purple light snakng around your body. A rattle of bones can be heard as the skeletons on the floor start to shake and move. A deep voice booms out from mist.

“I feel a presence… Yes, I see you, [race of character]. I see clearly your bond with our realm. Forget the thin link you share with your demonic prince. The link between these worlds is thin here. Seize this soulstone, repair it, and strengthen my bond.”

Joko, in your mind a spell forms. You know exactly how you can strengthen this soulstone and its link with this realm. Its bind will slip to you. You gain an insight that somehow this stone and its magical properties can link this plane with another. The link is falling apart, the chaotic powers of the Abyssal plane twist and undermine the connection. You can sense that the power is leaking from the soulstone.

“Forget [the warlock’s patron, or whatever substitute] and serve me, Orcus. This soulstone will provide power you have never have dreamed of.”

Roll a D20, charisma check, nat 20 only.

Fail: [Player character] begins casting a ritual spell and is unable to move.

All around you, you see small robed figures slipping into the large room. The cultists move to the edges of the room and begin chanting. The ash in the air begins to stir and the purple light appears more agitated.

Ask what they want to do.

Roll arcana check you sense that they are contesting the light, forcing it back into the jewel. The connection and power will remain under their control if they succeed.

[Magic user] you hear the voice again. “They will not contain Orcus.” The bones rattle on the floor and combine into a monstrous skeleton. It has no form that any of you have seen before. The bones writhe and and animate as skeletons rise from the ground, rusty weapons in hand.

Your bonds drop, and everyone is free to move except [magic user].

Skeleton Stat Block


Medium undead, lawful evil

Armor Class 13 (Armor Scraps)
Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)

Damage Vulnerabilities Bludgeoning
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Exhaustion, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 9
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack:
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack:
+4 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Detailed fantasy concept art of a skeleton warrior in action within an underground ruin. The illustration captures the skeleton mid-swing with its rusty sword, illuminated by a mystical purple light that resembles drifting fog. The setting includes intricately designed ancient stone walls and scattered debris, enhancing the otherworldly feel. The art style is rich with texture and depth, emphasizing the dramatic action and eerie atmosphere of the scene.

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