The Nether Map

A tan map with hatching marks on the borders. It implies countries surrounding by rock walls. There are no detailed texts on it unlike other maps.

Season 2 of our Quorum of Bones campaign started with the players thrown into hell, which I called the Nether. The center of the map held the perpendicularity, which was a Neverending Story style tower that had a portal between realms. It was controlled by a group of not very nice lawful good angels.

The surrounding lands were all controlled by various devil lords, which I only revealed as the players explored the lands.

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A tan map with hatching marks on the borders. It implies countries surrounding by rock walls. There are no detailed texts on it unlike other maps.

The Nether Map

A map done in Tolkein style. Stone End is the main port, with the Stone River leading into it. There is the Maren's Sea taking up much of the map. To the west in the mountains is Lark Bastion. Green Forge is to the west with forests around it. To the east is Orc Country which is flat and plains.

Stone End Map