Ivorin Rivenstone - Hedge Wizard

An older dark-skinned man sitting cross legged. He holds a staff with feathers attached at the top. He has a gray beard with dreads and gems attached to them. He sits in a snow covered forest. He has a classic floppy wizard hat.

Ivorin and his brother grew up in the city of Bardslaw as orphans. Their mother died when they were young and they spent many years on the streets. After stealing bread and begging on the streets they found errand boy work for a wizard to the local lord. They ran errands for him. One of the maids took pity on the boys, and taught took them in under her wing. She taught them to read and saw that they had some moderate level of care.

The boys were still wild, and constantly played jokes on each other. For outsiders, these jokes seemed cruel and violent, but for the brothers it was how they expressed their love for each other. As the brothers grew, they were intrigued by the work the wizard did. He would have them fetch the strangest components for spells and sneak around town to meet with shady merchants and dealers.

The brothers, curious of this work, began sneaking out tomes from the wizard’s library. Many they could not read due to the strange scripts. However, they found a guide for a young apprentice, and studied it. Over the years they began to sneak knowledge and develop their own rudimentary magical powers.

At 13 their secret was discovered by their master. The master in a fit of rage killed Ivorin’s brother in a magical burst. Ivorin fled and took to the streets. Initially he lived on the streets, but eventually found that he could use his powers to trick others and provide small magical trinkets. Over the years he grew, and began to travel from town to town peddling his wares, and providing small services. He traded for knowledge and eventually became more powerful.

He decided in order to get proper revenge for his brothers death he would need to strike out to the Frozen Wastes in order to discover magic of true power. He is wandering the wilds on his own, seeking hidden knowledge. He is a man that can provide insight, cast a solid magic missile, but shouldn’t always be trusted if his motivations don’t align to the party. He still has a penchant for a cruel joke, for those he likes, and dislikes.

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